Many business find it difficult to engage your target audience online for profit. The main reason is people are so focus on where they are able to place their marketing funds but they forget driving traffic does not mean you will generate sales since these customers are not even interested in your product or service.

How can you do it?

It is quite easy to do so regardlessof your target market or niche.

It can be broken down step by step as:

  • Defining your target audience
  • Understanding your target audience
  • Finding out where they ‘live’ online
  • Engaging them

Defining your target audience

The first thing you need to do is define who your target audience actually are.
Do you know what makes them tick? What type of questions might they be asking when they arrive on your site and does it answer them?

Identifying my audience

You will need to understand what type of people may benefit from the content created. Understanding your audience and different types of people in your audience is essential. For example if you are running a health website you may have people that are just seeking out information or looking for immediate treatment. Defining those different audiences is important.

Understanding your target audience

Once you have defined your target audience you will need to understand them. Really find out what makes them come back to visit your website. Why are they looking for information online in the first place? What questions or concerns might that person have associated with a specific keyword as they look at your site?

Does your site address all those concerns? If you are comparing your site against the top 10 results in Google does it really offer the best value, can you honestly say your page is the ultimate page on the subject period?

Finding your target audience online

So how do you go about finding your target audience online? Where do they hang out? Finding out this is really important and there are many tools available out there that helps finding these information. If you would like to know information feel free to contact us.